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Trường Tiểu Học

Họ và tên: Nguyễn Ngọc Như Ý

Chủ đề:



Hello everyone. My name’s Y. I’m 10 years old. I’m from …Primary


Dear teachers and friends!

You know…! There’s a place I like to go to every day. I study, I play and I

have great moments there. Can you guess where it is? Yes,… that’s my lovely

school. Today I’m going to share and help you know more about my school.

My school is Ninh Xuan Number 2 Primary School. You see, my school has

many nice and comfortable classrooms. The library has lots of books. Every

student can borrow books from it.The school yard is large with many trees. I

like to play with my friends here. And to make our school lovelier, we plant

lots of flowers. You will be impressed by its scenery when visiting my school.

In a word, my school’s condition is good for our daily activities and study.

How about our teachers? Yeah... They’re friendly and kind. For me, they’re

great. They work hard to teach us many subjects like Maths, Vietnamese,

Science and so on. I respect and love them.

One more thing, I have many friends at school. They’re good friends. We

play and study together day by day. My school life is exciter with friends.

In short, my school is like my home. I’m proud of it. And welcome to my


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